Our brand BAUSCH stands for high quality beauty products. Our aim is to make you feel beautiful! Your appearance, especially your hands, feet and skin are features that are directly perceived by other people. Enhance your appearance with the help of our high quality beauty products. Be proud to show your beauty to everyone around you! Because that’s the way, people will remember us! Our homepage informs you about current news, gives you a detailed overview about our product line and their areas of application and shows you ways how to support your health!

Manicure & Pedicure
Professional hand and foot care thanks to BAUSCH manicure and pedicure devices with the various attachments designed for all problems.

Professional hand and foot care thanks to BAUSCH manicure and pedicure devices with the various attachments designed for all problems.

Nail Sealing
Brittle and splitting nails do not have to be thanks to our nail sealer.

Care products
High-quality care products from Bausch for hands and feet as well as nails and cuticles.

Our Shiatsu acupressure device stimulates the reflex zones on the hands and feet.

Facial cleansing
Daily beauty care and multiple application possibilities thanks to our cleansing and massage sets.